Illinois Public Reports

By Claire Dowell

Law enforcing agencies of a state such as the police stations and traffic enforcers can issue a police report if needed. These reports are considered as record that can be accessed by the general public anytime. In Illinois, the Department of Criminal Justice Services manages the Illinois police records.

Police reports in the state of Illinois are used for a number of purposes. Employers refer to the police reports to check the criminal history of their applicants. This ensures the employers that the people they hire are fit for the job. Others check the people they are with such as their neighbors to ensure that they are living in a safe environment. A police record can be used as evidence on a criminal case. There are times that the police records is the missing piece of a case.

A police report in Illinois contains information about the person involved. Information such as the person's full name and address is indicated on the report. It would also reveal if the person is allowed to bring firearms. Police records are still documented even if there was no arrest made to the involved person. It would indicate the details of what happened based on the statement given by the individual in question and the witnesses. The information about the people that are involved with the incident is also included on the record. Any observations that are made by the officer in charge are indicated on the record.

The state of Illinois requires the information about the person whose records you are searching for. Information such as their full name and current address has to be indicated when requesting for the police record. The requesting party has to provide their names as well for documentation purposes.

There are several ways that one can do in order to retrieve a copy of a police report. One can go to the office of the Department of Criminal justice in Illinois since it is where the reports are being kept. The public library is where one can search for a particular record; however it may not be as updated as the records found in the Department of Criminal Justice Services. The Internet is also one great way to search for the record.

Using the Internet to search for the police record of an individual is easier and faster. It can be done in two ways, fee based and free search. There are websites that provide free police records. However, the results can be difficult to understand. Going with fee based search is the best option since the results are easy to understand and ready to use for any legal matters.

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