Tips On How To Write A Compelling Admission Essay

By Brice Pratteroll

An admission or application essay is a common requirement given to graduate school entrants. A good number of colleges and universities also make them a requirement for prospective undergraduate students. Universities may require one or more essays. The topics required by colleges vary in difficulty, some of them are more specific, others more generic. Many schools will require you to talk about your career aspirations while others require you to write about why you chose to enroll with the school.

Tips on writing an admission essay

When an essay is one of your admission requirements, it pays to start early. That way, you can plan your essay thoroughly, and make necessary revisions. Some colleges use standardized essay questions but there are also those that don't, so be sure to read the instructions prior to starting your essay. Regardless of whether the school has conventional or uncommon essay topics, their intent in requiring essays is to evaluate the proficiency of the applicant in communicating his ideas. While on the topic of reading instructions, you should take note of the maximum word count as well.

When composing application essays, getting the right tone is necessary. The last thing you would want is to be perceived as someone who does not take the requirement seriously, or someone who is too formal to the point of being inflexible. A little humor can add color to your essay, but in excess, it can make your essay more silly than creative. If you are asked to discuss about your previous experiences or accomplishments, make sure to stay authentic. Avoid sounding too proud in your essay, too.

Make sure to start your essay with a compelling introduction. However, a a good essay requires more than just a compelling first sentence. Still, you'll have to be cohesive and observe a logical flow in your essay to keep the reader interested. Using transitions is an easy and effective way in giving your essay an even feel.

Grammatical errors as well as gaffes in punctuation and spelling can confuse your reader and make them disinclined to finish reading your essay. That said, you should not forget to proofread your essay. Having someone read your work would also be a good idea to spot errors you missed or may not be aware of.

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