A Good Education Helps Ensure Lifelong Success

By Karina Andrews

Many parents are concerned about the quality of their children's education today. Times have changed and kids are under so much stress, they find it difficult to focus on their studies. Teachers are stressed too and often have no choice but to pass kids through the system. Parents are busy juggling careers, home life, and social activities. With all these distractions, it is easy to see why the quality of education suffers. But when the educational system fails, our kids are the ones who pay the price.

The old truism still holds today. You have to have a good education to get ahead in life. To make it through college or trade school, you have to succeed first in high school. Below are some things you can do to help make sure your child gets the best education possible.

Begin with choosing a good school. Make sure you send your child to a school that cares about kids and has programs in place to help them succeed. There are several possibilities. You may consider private school, public schools, or even home schooling. You may need to make sacrifices to get into the school your child needs, but the effort will be worth it.

No matter which school you choose, you must stay closely involved with your child's education. Become familiar with the policies, teachers, and principals. Keep informed of your child's progress and the schoolwork requirements. In general, students with involved parents are the most successful in school.

Make learning a priority. Set up a structured learning environment at home and allot a specific time each day to devote to schoolwork. Don't allow social obligations to take precedence over school obligations. Let your children know from the time they are very young that school and getting a good education have high priority in the home.

If your child is struggling, or needs help in some way, be sure he gets it. If it is necessary, help him with homework at night. You might have to call in a tutor at times. Failure will cause your child to lose hope, so help him succeed so he will stay motivated. Although he needs to do the work himself in order to learn, you can support him as much as possible so he doesn't carry a burden that is too heavy.

You might need to limit your child's recreational activities too. A social life is important to fitting in and being happy. But if sports and clubs interfere with the time needed for studying, it may be time to rethink your schedule. Squeezing in meals between rushing to band practice and soccer games is stressful on everyone and may make it difficult for your child to focus on his education.

With your involvement and guidance, you child can succeed in school and life. As long as you support your child and are his biggest fan, it doesn't matter if he attends inner city schools, catholic school, or public schools, he will be more motivated to learn. Along with a good education comes the promise for a brighter future.

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