Attorney Review Period in New Jersey Real Estate

By Karen Klein

The lucky people still have a job and money coming in as of now. In today's shaky financial world no one is feeling very confident of whether their job will be there tomorrow. Unemployment is currently still at about 9% and it seems the US job sector is next to nonexistent.

Basic Contingencies in Real Estate Contracts Contingencies are divided into categories according to their purpose: (1) protection for the seller (2) protection for the buyer (3) mutual protection of both buyer and seller. Most real estate contracts contain two universal contingencies: a mortgage contingency and a home inspection contingency.

1. Is an Attorney Necessary? There are actually quite a few arrest situations where an attorney will not be necessary. Say you were arrested for driving with a suspended license due to prior traffic violations. Chances are, once you post bail and are released, you will merely need to pay your past fines in court in order to restore your license. An attorney won't be necessary in this instance.

While in Attorney review, the attorneys representing the respective buyer and seller will ensure that all terms are clearly understood and acceptable to both parties. It will usually last for 3 days. Unlike many other states where the "proposal" is actually a sales contract and when all signatures are received, the deal is a legal and enforceable contract, the attorney review period in New Jersey was created to ensure that both the buyer and sellers' interests where represented prior to a legally enforceable contract being created.

2. Where Should I look for a Lawyer? If you have already dealt with a bail bonds company to help you with your bail cost and release, you may want to ask them if they have any recommendations for legal counsel based on your charge. A bail bondsman deals with many lawyers and will sometimes even have relationships with law firms. You can also find attorney reviews online, or find specialty firms related to your charge by searching online based on your location. Public defenders will be appointed to you in court if you cannot afford an attorney for any reason.

Sale of Buyer's Home Contingency - Agents refer to these contingencies as Hubbards. A Hubbard can be used effectively in any type of market; however, they are used more often in a slow market than a normal market. A Hubbard contingency allots the buyer a specified period of time to sell his/her current home before buying the new one. If the buyer's current house does not sell within the stipulated time (usually 2-3 months) and the buyer does not want to buy the new house without the sale of his/her old home, the contract to purchase the new house is voided without penalty. This protects the buyer from becoming over-leveraged by owning two homes at once.

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