Joe Piacentile: What Is Phishing?

By Bob Oliver

Have you ever been sent an email by someone who, admittedly, appears to be a legitimate entity? This individual might tell you to update your information, whether it's in relation to your credit card, bank, or what have you. When this happens, though, you become the victim of fraud; specifically, phishing. For those who are curious to know what this type of fraud is all about, here are a few details offered by Joe Piacentile, as well as others.

For those who do not know, phishing occurs when a fraudster sends out an email to a certain party, parading as a legitimate company. This is done in order to gather personal information, mostly related to finances. What this means is that an innocent party can provide a credit card number to someone they thought they could trust, only to find their bank account negatively affected. To say that this is an unfortunate circumstance would be an understatement.

There are many reasons why phishing is done, one of the most integral being the nature of email. To say that it's quick would be an understatement, especially when thousands of messages can be sent to various people in rapid succession. The messages are carefully crafted so that they sound convincing, which only makes matters that much more troubling. With that said, if you're curious to know how you can prevent phishing from happening to you, a learning experience by the likes of Joseph Piacentile may help.

If you'd like to prevent phishing from happening to you, one of the elements to look out for would be suspicious links. According to Joe Piacentile, these links are designed to gain your personal information, so do not click on them if you are unfamiliar with their addresses. Let's say that you are in a position where you are sent several suspicious messages per day; what can be done in this scenario? You should make it a point to compile all of your data, so that it can be presented to the correct authorities.

With these details in mind, you should have a better understanding of how to avoid the act known as phishing. To say that this is a concern would be an understatement, in particular for those who are careful about their finances. In order to alleviate any future problems, it's important to recognize how phishing can be prevented. By following the information listed, you can rest easy knowing that this will become less of an issue in the future.

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