Reasons To Consider Consulting Professional Whistleblower Attorney Philadelphia

By Della Monroe

Whistleblower attorneys are meant to encourage people to report fraud cases against the government. There are many individuals in different professionals that participate in fraud cases against the government. This may happen directly or indirectly. If you happen to posses any inside knowledge about a plan to defraud the government, you can file a claim as a whistle blower. Many individuals fear reporting such cases because they might be exposed and harassed by the fraudsters. Consulting a whistleblower attorney Philadelphia to represent you is recommended for protection.

The state and the federal government have enacted laws that are meant to encourage reporting of fraud cases. The laws in place are also meant to protect the whistle blower from harassment after they have filed a report. Different states have enacted statutes that protect whistleblowers. If a case is successful, part of the recovery on a claim is given to the whistle blower.

There are also state and federal claim acts that have been enacted to protect whistleblowers from harassment by their employers. If there is harassment or retaliation from an employer, a whistle blower may be awarded litigation expenses, attorney fees, back pay or twice the amount of back pay. This encourages many individuals to come forward without fear.

In the city of Philadelphia, PA, there are many individuals who have committed fraud against the government. Many cases have been reported by whistleblowers and their lawyers against professionals such as doctors, research scientists, nurses, defense contractors and other medical professionals. If you do not have proof of the fraud case, it is recommended that you consult an expert lawyer to help you in uncovering the fraud.

Different cases of fraud have been brought forward. Some individuals are accused of over-billing the government for services and goods. Others are individuals that bill for products not provided to the government. Other incidences include bribery, illegal kickbacks and falsifying research results. Other individuals have been reported for falsifying statements to get paid for a fraudulent claim.

An individual blowing the whistle on tax cheats may be lucky to get a huge reward from the recovery made by IRS. The IRS program provides for a reward of 15 to 30 percent of the amount it collects as a result of a successful recovery on tax fraud, through information given by a whistle blower. There are some great attorneys that do not charge litigation fees on such cases but rather take a percentage of the recovery made from a successful claim.

When looking for a lawyer to represent you, consider picking a firm that has been in the business for a while. The longer they have been in business, the more expertise they have. Picking an aggressive lawyer that is dedicated to your case will ensure you are well represented in a court of law. Considering a lawyer who has specialized in that area will be an added advantage. They clearly understand what is required to win such a case.

The attorney should also have adequate resources and expertise to handle your case. Ask around for references from friends and colleagues who may have dealt with a whistle blower attorney before. Testimonials from other clients will also help you choose a lawyer who has more recommendations.

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