Social Studies Teacher Continuing Education Could Lead To An Enlightened View Of Ourselves

By Della Monroe

We all know that history is written by victors in a conflict, but this truth is beginning to change. For generations the inhabitants of any nation that knew victory accepted what they were told by their authoritarians, never asking the difficult or uncomfortable questions that might have cleared things up a little differently. However, here in the United States, and throughout much of Western Europe, people have begun to ask such questions that even a social studies teacher continuing education could become a catalyst for real social change.

Finally the inhabitants of this world are questioning the official narratives of history that we have been spoon-fed all our lives. When there are documentaries on prime-time television giving us ancient alien theory, we know changes are afoot. It is time for us to know the truth of our origins, so that we can discover our destiny.

It is time to stop regarding destiny as an undiscovered place, and see destiny as something we create or destroy for ourselves. Until we fully understand who and what we are, we need to keep beating the drum for truth from those who sit in positions of perceived power. Most of us no longer believe that we are born sinners forgiven by two sentences uttered to a so-called God, or the Son thereof, who needs His ego stroked for all eternity.

Zachariah Sitchen was a learned gentleman who spent many years deciphering the Sumerian tablets found at an archaeological site long ago. Few linguists had taken a serious look at these stone manuscripts, and no one can say exactly why more studies had not been conducted prior to the 1960s. Mr. Sitchen was met with resistance and could not get funding for his work, so he had to fund the project himself and work during his free time.

More than twenty years later, Zachariah presented the body of his work to his colleagues, they met him with disapproval rather than any form of excitement. They claimed his work was flawed, or completely fabricated, and accused him of being a charlatan. While he did not defend himself openly or publicly that anyone is aware of, he never agreed or admitted to having submitted flawed or fabricated translations.

Not until after his death has anyone taken a serious look at the work which was done, and much to the surprise of Max Egan with The CrowHouse, the account tells a very straight-forward story about the origins of the human race. It is easily seen where the texts of the three primary religions gleaned their truths. It is also very easily seen just where and how, and basically why the accounts were altered to the point where they no longer told the same story.

According to the ancient Sumerians, we were created to mine gold for the aliens, and this creation took place due to genetic manipulation, cloning, and in vitro fertilization. Our alien creators were using gold flakes to repair the atmosphere of their planet, and they were warring with one-another over the mining tasks. To solve the problem, they bred a race of beings for the task, but they did make us somewhat inferior in that we are smaller, our life spans were restricted to roughly 120 years, and a good bit of our DNA is not active.

Perhaps this is why we are so easily led into slavery and war, and so easily express cruelty and malice toward our fellow humans. Perhaps it is time we shed our cloaks of ignorance and embrace who we are, flaws and all. We are a fascinating race, and the best is hopefully yet to come for us all once we stop behaving like the inferior race our creators regard us as.

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