With A DUI Lawyer Warren MI Accused Can Get Bail After Arrest

By Della Monroe

Arresting people for driving under the influence is one of the most common cases experienced by law enforcement officials. The suspect has to be arrested because there is no way that he can be allowed to continue on his way and pose a danger to all and sundry. Arrangements must also be made for the towing of the vehicle. By securing the services of a DUI lawyer Warren MI accused can at least hope to be released on bail relatively soon.

It is understandable that so many people arrested for driving under the influence worsen the situation by threatening the officials concerned, by offering bribes and by acting in an aggressive manner. Intoxicating substances often have that effect upon people. When arrested, the very best and most sensible thing to do is to remain calm and to obey all instructions from the law enforcement officer.

Getting expert legal representation should be the only concern of a person arrested for driving under the influence. Any arrested person has the right to remain silent and legal experts have long maintained that this is the very best course of action. Without legal advice an accused can easily say something that will turn out to be to his detriment at a later stage. It is better to wait until the attorney arrives.

Once an attorney has been briefed, the first priority will be to organize bail. This can be done very quickly if the accused cooperated from the first instance. The accused will have to pay the bail amount in cash prior to release. However, if the cash cannot be readily gathered, the attorney can arrange for an instant cash advance from a bail bondsman.

A reputable attorney that specializes in this type of case can often finalize the matter within days. Because the justice system is under such pressure, prosecutors are often willing to reach a plea bargain agreement with the representing attorney. This means that the accused have to plead guilty and a fine, agreed upon earlier, is paid.

Far too many people view a drunken driving incident as a minor offence. In fact, a conviction can have very serious consequences. It can have a negative influence on the career of the accused and it can place great strain on relationships. People driving under the influence can easily injure or even kill innocent victims and they can cause severe damage. They can also lose their driving licenses.

In this day and age specialization is the order of the day. It is therefore important to hire an attorney that has experience in this type of case. It is also vital to agree on matters such as the fees payable in advance. When arrested, however, it is always advisable to hire the very best legal representation that can be afforded.

Driving under the influence is an avoidable offence. However, if the calf is in the well the only option is to get the best possible legal representation. The cost of an expert attorney is nothing compared to the possible consequences of a conviction and even a jail sentence.

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