Why You Should Avoid A Family Probate

By Maria Hughes

People often die unexpectedly and leave their property behind for them to serve their families. However, the property and money left behind by the deceased does not serve the families but rather it goes to people who may even have never met the deceased. The article below explains why people should insist on having an estate plan rather than having to hire a Family Probate after they have passed on.

For many people, the expensive nature of the process is the first factor that gets many people wary of the system. The process will involve having to pay the experts who will be involved in the case. This money tends to come from the assets of the deceased. Furthermore, the process ensures that the debts are all repaid without considering if any will be left over for the family rather than using other methods to solve the debts.

Another main disadvantage of probates is the fact that it is time consuming. The families will have to wait for long ques of families with similar or different cases till it is their turn. In addition, once it is their turn, the case is not solved completely and it is often adjourned. Meanwhile the relatives who were left behind by the deceased and depended on them for support are suffering as they wait for the money.

For people who want to have the deceased rest in peace will also find that the use of probates affects this completely, this is because the process will make all the dealings that the deceased had a public matter. Everyone will thus be able to know what the deceased used to do, from all the positive to the negative which also affects the relatives.

the publicity not only targets the deceased but also the relatives as well. This is in case the relatives fight over the assets, then the issue will be publicly declares which tends to highly shame the relatives although they may be just in their appeals. Worst of all is the fact that all the proceedings of the case are recorded in a computer online thus anyone can download and access them easily.

In extreme cases, some families have been surprised to end up receiving very little assets though the deceased had a lot. This tends to happen if the process runs for too long as it becomes more and more expensive to pay the experts involved. In the end, very little remains to be distributed. This is very sad considering that the deceased may have worked hard to use the wealth they gained for their loved ones.

After the cases and the relatives have received adequate wealth, there is always someone or some people who would want to swindle the kin of the deceased into giving out their property to them. The law does not take care of the kin after this thus they may be easily swindled into poverty. However, it is important to note that with the estate plan all this is taken care of.

Relying on probates to deal with cases involving inheritance is thus often the wrong choice. The best option is for people to always have a will they have written in advance to take care of such matters. Estate plans are even a way better option. With these two factors, the relatives will not grieve and mourn further on after the death of their loved one.

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