Pros And Cons Of Short Term Volunteer Immersions

By Laura King

Some people like to volunteer but their time is not enough for going to another place and to commit their services there. Six months is usually needed to be spent in working towards goals which are sustainable, building relationships and learning the language there. Achieving this is difficult when you have work or school but still wants to experience something great and make an impact.

Programs are luckily available where your limited time can be spent with impoverished people living in another culture and help them. This popular short term volunteer immersions are perfect for busy individuals that wants their free days given to others they want to help. But some disadvantages must be avoided which might inevitably happen.

Traveling to a place with a timezone that is very different will make you have headaches, disorientation, and disruptive sleeping patterns or feel jetlag. Your body needs a week at leas to adjust which may be all your available days so fighting through these symptoms is a must. Plus community member will warm up usually to you when the job is almost finished.

This means some works, such as teaching, are not advisable for this kind of program because building connections is needed for effectiveness. Being sick during the trip would mean your limited days will be wasted in recovery. You would also feel rushed and almost have no opportunities in lazing around and observe the local culture and environment.

These disadvantages can be avoided if you would plan accordingly and choose the best fitting program for your trip. Building projects for school or house are preferable since these can be accomplished within the short time available. That is why an organization with goals for long term amidst the changing people who volunteers is better.

Volunteer somewhere near and have an identical timezone with you so being jetlagged is avoided and the plane tickets will be cheaper too. Research the place ahead such as their history, culture and language rather than basing only on the reading materials provided by the organization. Adjusting with them becomes easier and you could make them comfortable faster with your presence.

Spend more days if possible than what is scheduled in your program by arriving few days earlier or leaving days later. This will help to prepare yourself with the culture of that place and have some rest before work starts. You can use this opportunity also to instead travel somewhere else so your time for volunteering is not used for this.

Create a strategy against jetlag, illness and exhaustion by having your sleeping pattern adjusted before the trip. Rest properly on the first few nights in order to let your body properly adjust and be able to endure much more. Use the extra time to build relationship with locals instead of only idling around.

Numerous emotions may be felt during your first time arriving like being disoriented, strange, delighted, and confused. Meditated every evening for some minutes and record the experiences you had. Remain positive and perform with your best despite having limitations on available days.

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